S Class 2 160 T-Series, cutter cu cap tangential.
Stand integrat cu sistem de sustinere rola si ghidaje.
Latime media: 168cm. Latime taiere: 158cm.
Latime media: 168cm. Latime taiere: 158cm.
Livrare standard cu: Afisaj color tactibil.
Livrare standard cu: Decuparea fisierelor stocate pe USB memory stick prin noua interfata.
Livrare standard cu: OPOS X - sistem automat de taiere pe contur.
Livrare standard cu: Cutting Software, Control software, Corel Draw plug in.
Livrare standard cu: Cutting Software, Control software, Corel Draw plug in.
Viteza pana la 141cm/sec, USB 2.0, Ethernet, memory 16MB ram, knife pressure 0 - 600 grams.
Dimensiune echipament: 225 x 68 x 111 cm - 71 Kg
399-374 Suplimentar rola fixare media
399-374 Suplimentar rola fixare media
395-397 Media-rack for S140 with 3 pairs of core-holders
395-396 Media-rack for S160 with 3 pairs of core-holders
395-369 Roll-up system for S140 with one pair of core holders
395-359 Roll-up system for S160 with one pair of core holders
395-375 Dual head (Factory Upgrade on T-Series Model) NO OPOS SENSOR!
395-396 Media-rack for S160 with 3 pairs of core-holders
395-369 Roll-up system for S140 with one pair of core holders
395-359 Roll-up system for S160 with one pair of core holders
395-375 Dual head (Factory Upgrade on T-Series Model) NO OPOS SENSOR!
Integrated stand and media support system with coreholders.
Media width: 168cm. Cutting area: 158cm.
Media width: 168cm. Cutting area: 158cm.
Standard delivered with: Color touchscreen panel.
Standard delivered with: Store your cut files on a USB memory stick and have instant access to them via the new interface.
Standard delivered with: OPOS X - automate contur cutting technology.
Standard delivered with: Cutting Software, Control software, Corel Draw plug in.
Standard delivered with: Cutting Software, Control software, Corel Draw plug in.
Speed up to 141 cm/sec, USB 2.0, Ethernet, memory 16MB ram, knife pressure 0 - 600 grams.
Equipment: 225 x 68 x 111 cm - 71 Kg
399-374 Extra Pinch Roller
399-374 Extra Pinch Roller
395-397 Media-rack for S140 with 3 pairs of core-holders
395-396 Media-rack for S160 with 3 pairs of core-holders
395-369 Roll-up system for S140 with one pair of core holders
395-359 Roll-up system for S160 with one pair of core holders
395-375 Dual head (Factory Upgrade on T-Series Model) NO OPOS SENSOR!
395-396 Media-rack for S160 with 3 pairs of core-holders
395-369 Roll-up system for S140 with one pair of core holders
395-359 Roll-up system for S160 with one pair of core holders
395-375 Dual head (Factory Upgrade on T-Series Model) NO OPOS SENSOR!
NOU! Afisaj color tactibil |
NOU! Un procesor de generatie noua |
Afisajul color de tip touchscreen cu marimea de 3.5” face ca echipamentul sa devina foarte popular si iubit de catre utilizator. Accesul in meniu este foarte facil si ergonomic. | Noul procesor integrat are o putere de calcul de 7 ori mai mare comparativ cu cel vechi. Acum aveti acces la mai multe operatii in acelasi timp. | |||
NOU! Port retea Ethernet standard |
NOU! Port USB pentru fisiere |
Cu portul de retea standard Ethernet 10/100 puteti integra cu usurinta echipamentul intr-o retea. Cu un cablu crossover se poate conecta direct la un calculator. Viteza de comunicatie este de 7 ori mai mare comparativ cu portul USB. | Un port USB cu capabilitatea de a se conecta la un dispozitiv USB flash drives. Fisierele stocate pot fi utilizate direct fara a mai fi nevoie de un calculator sau o conexiune cu acesta. |