Racleta din plastic dotata cu ,,Center Finder” cu ajutorul caruia presiunea de manevrare a racletei este distribuita in mod egal catre marginile exterioare ale racletei pentru o colantare perfecta. Racleta are un design special fiind conceputa cu 3 colturi rotunde si un colt drept pentru a fi cat mai usor de utilizat.
ProBasic Peekaboo-Series:
OK - it is super-rigid and glides like a bobsled - but first of all: That thing is just super-cool looking! Who said, that Signmakers could not be Trendsetters? The smoked glas - Squeegee is awesome. Surprise your curious customers with something „blinky“!
ProBasic Peekaboo-Series:
OK - it is super-rigid and glides like a bobsled - but first of all: That thing is just super-cool looking! Who said, that Signmakers could not be Trendsetters? The smoked glas - Squeegee is awesome. Surprise your curious customers with something „blinky“!
Duritate: 89 Shore (flexibilitate si duritate material)
Cod produs: - YT13PBP02