
Disponibil in stoc la furnizor

Acest tip de racleta a fost solicitata de nenumarate ori de utilizatorii care detestau racletele standard. Motivul principal era faptul ca nu puteau tine foarte bine racletele fara a le cauza dureri in cazul in care aveau de realizat colantari pe suprafete de mari dimensiuni.
- Datorita marginii speciale cu raza de 30° poti realiza colantari perfecte, fara bule de aer, chiar si in cazul aplicatiilor de mari dimensiuni;
- Cu ajutorul racletei poti sa racletezi cu usurinta folia autoadeziva in zone greu accesibile cum ar fi: caneluri si margini.
- "Centrul racletei”, distribuie presiunea in mod egal in manevrare catre marginile exterioare ale racletei pentru o colantare perfecta.

AllStar Blue

This „Allrounder“ was asked many times by users which hate the small standard-squeegees. They complained, that they couldn´t hold the tool deep in their hand-palm. This caused many cramps and joint pains while doing a bigger Sign-job. The extra-wide wing of the AllStar makes sure that you can do this with him. This gives you more torque and more comfort while working. Special and new is also the so-called „30°-Edge“ of the Squeegee.

With this special Radius, you can realise a wrinkle-free application, even if there is a lot „material“ to push. You can also „roll“ Vinyl into Grooves and edges with this gadget. That makes the AllStar also great for CarWrap-Applications as well. Because we mold the AllStar with our own machines, it is available in many shores. You will love it!


Our money-saver.

Duritate: 62 Shore (flexibilitate si duritate material)

Cod produs: - YT11ASB01
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