YelloFelt Grip
100% pure natural felt squeegess are more popular than ever. Prooven by our sales...! But since we are LEAN thinker, we hate the fact (for you), that you can use only about 20% of the material. You literally toss the material in the center of the squeegee almost unused :( That´s a big no-no for us. So, we´ve created a reuseable middle grip, which you can open and close as you go. Now you can just clamp in two of our new, super small felt lips (25mm / 1“) and you have 8 (!!) instead of 4 edges you can use with even less material at all. Simply turn the small lip around if worn out and you have a brandnew one :) A nice plus: As we´ve played around with this super rigid middelgrip, we´ve realized, how sturdy it is and started producing even bigger ones. The result is staggering: Now you can have up to 30cm / 12“ of pure felt on your surfaces and it´s still pretty stiff overall.
Advantage No. 3: At a full-wet application, your middlegrip stays dry. Usually the soaked squeegee felt like grandma´s socks after a hike to Mount Everest, correct?
Available in : 30cm - 12"
spare felt strips you also find in our online store! "YelloFelt Lip"