
Disponibil in stoc la furnizor

Buzunarele au diferite dimensiuni, concepute special pentru a depozita raclete, pensete, cutite. In geanta nu pot fi depozitate ciocane si surubelnite. Materialul este foarte rezistent, catarama din otel pentru fixarea ruletelor, suprafata fara nituri, tesatura de nailon rezistenta, 8 buzunare de diferite dimensiuni, placa metalica interioara pentru a putea atasa magneti, buzunar interior pentru cartile de vizita.
Lungime: 17.5 cm
Latime: 18 cm
Inaltime: 2.5 cm
Cod produs: YT09YB004 
YelloBelt ProWrap
Every feature of the YelloBelt ProWrap was built around the vehicle graphics installer's needs to work efficiently and to protect their client's vehicle from scratches that ordinary tool bags can cause due to exposed metal parts.
To provide quick access to the tools carwrappers and signmakers need, the divided pockets are ideally sized for squeegees, tweezers, break-off-blade knives and bubble poppers.
Great features:
Rivet-free surface
Heavy-duty nylon fabric
8 different pockets
Extremly light, approximately 170g (6 ounces)
L: 17.5cm x W: 18,0cm x H: 2,5cm / L: 6.9 inches x W: 7.0 inches x H: 1.0 inch (filled and closed)
Built-in pocket for your cards
Completely closable with velcro
Sewed-in metal plate for placing magnets
Multifunctional carrying option
Without any products
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